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Welcome to my 🌟  Roadmap Full Stack Python 🌟  (which is also my number 100 repository on GitHub - at the end of 2021)

If you’re reading this before 01/01/2022, I want to wish you a Happy New Year and lots of health! 🙏 

Anyway, enough of the presentations, and let’s get down to business!


🧑‍🎨  Front-End Development Trail

OBS.: My advice is, you should master the basics, and select 1 framework from each sub-topic to specialize in (remember: the focus here is Python for the Web, don’t worry so much about the Front-End issue, the unless you want to be a Full Stack developer with an emphasis on Front End).

🧠  Back-End Development Trail

Ok, It may seem like little to study, but Django’s ecosystem is vast (it can take months to develop a good foundation and generate a few small projects). But if you are patient, this time spent will pay off! ✌️😉 

Flask is generally the second most used python framework on the web (second only to Django); for a few reasons: in addition to being simpler than its competitor (Django), it provides more freedom and flexibility to the developer. Very suitable for small building web applications.

🛢  Database Trail

Database is an essential part for developing all kinds of applications. Here you can choose any of the alternatives presented, it won’t have such a big impact on your coding ability (but be aware of what the market may demand).

🔐  Infrastructure Trail

OBS.: Git is a desktop tool we use to manage project versions on our local machine. the other tools are cloud services that allow the developer to manage projects and changes in a virtual environment.

Artificial Intelligence Tail

So dear reader, I need to inform you of the following: With the advent and advances of Artificial Intelligence, we developers need to be aware of this. Even more so now with the integration between Web and Neural Networks increasingly intertwined.

👨‍💻  My Stack

At the moment I am still working on the base. After much research, testing and experimentation, I chose these technologies to compose my Stack:

On the Front-End:

HTML5 CSS3 TailwindCSS

JavaScript React Next JS

On the Back-End

Django DjangoREST

FastAPI Flask

On the DataBases:

SQLite MongoDB Postgres

On the Infrastructure:

Docker Azure

GitHub Actions TravisCI

Heroku Vercel

Git GitHub

On the Data Analysis/Science:

Numpy Pandas Keras

The repositories that helped me build this roadmap: Markdown Badges of Roadmap